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Report   >   Account Report

Account Report

Users can use the system to prepare different Accounting Reports

Accounting Reports includes the following:

1) Print Voucher

2) General Ledger

3) Sub-Ledger

4) Bank Book

5) Cash Book

6) Bank Reconciliation Statement

7) Project Income and Expenses

8) Account Receivable

   a. A/R Report
   b. A/R Aging Summary Report
   c. A/R Aging Report
   d. A/R Monthly Statement
   e. Group Monthly Statement

9) Account Payable

   a. A/P Report
   b. A/P Aging Summary Report
   c. A/P Aging Report
   d. A/P Monthly Statement
   e. Group Monthly Statement

10) Financial Statement

   a. Trial Balance
   b. Balance Sheet
   c. Profit & Loss
   d. Cash Flow Statement

Voucher Print

For printing voucher

Account Report 1 eng.png
  • Print vouchersby its Voucher No. / Date, Last Update, Voucher/ User ID and Printing Format.

  • Please refer to Voucher for printing voucher.

General Ledger

Report showing the detailed general ledger for the chosen account code

Account Report 2 eng.png
  • Project: Input by user. Leave the blank empty to search all projects

  • Department: Input by user. Leave the blank empty to search all departments

  • Account Code: Input by user. Leave the blank empty to search all account codes will

  • Period: Input by user. Default as the first day of current fiscal year till system’s rent month

  • Format: 6 formats can be chosen:

Format 1(Excel) – Portrait: Supports preview, print and export to Excel. It shows only basis currency of system

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Format 2 – Landscape: This report shows the debit or credit side, exchange rate and its related basis currency

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Format 3 – Show Multi-Currency Summary by Account Code: It shows debit/ credit sides, basis currency & Exrate and balance information

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Format 4 – Group by Project: This report shows the project balance and other information are similar to format 2

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Format 5 – Group by Project + Department: This report shows the balance of project or department. Other contents are similar to format 2

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Format 6 – Summary by Account Code: This report shows the balance by account code

Account Report 31 eng.png
  • Sort Order: Sort the report by Voucher Date or Voucher No.

  • Page Break per General Ledger: Information of different account codes will be shown in a new page separately after ticking this box


Report showing the detailed sub-ledger for each chosen account code

Account Report 3 eng.png
  • Must enter Account Code before entering sub-account code. Otherwise, the report cannot be shown

  • The search only shows accounts with Sub-Account preset in [Master File > Chart of Account]

  • Other functions are similar to General Ledger’s. Please refer to [General Ledger]

Bank Book

Report showing the detailed information ofthe chosen bank account

Account Report 4 eng.png
  • Bank A/C Code: Enter Bank Account Code preset in [System Setting > System Account Setting]

  • Period: Input by user. Default as the first day of current fiscal year till system’s current month

  • Format: 3 formats can be chosen:

Format 1(Excel) – This format supports preview, printing and export to excel. This report only shows the default currency preset in the bank account of Chart of Account under Master File section

Account Report 32 eng.png

Format 2 – Show Currency Summary. This format supports preview and printing but no export to excel function. This report shows the balance of different currencies and the total of debit and credit sides respectively

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Format 3(Excel) – Show Base Currency. This format supports preview, printing and export to excel functions. This report shows debit, credit sides and the balance of base currency after exchanged

Account Report 34 eng.png
  • Sort Order: Sort the report by Voucher Date, Voucher No. or Cheque Date

  • Page Break Per Bank: Check to show Information of different account codesin separate pages

Cash Book

Report showing the detailed information of the chosen cash account

Account Report 5 eng.png
  • Bank A/C Code: Enter Cash Account Code preset in [System Setting > System Account Setting]

  • Period: Input by user. Default as the first day of current fiscal year till system’s current month

  • Format: 3 formats can be chosen:

Format 1(Excel) – Portrait: Supports preview, printing and export to Excel. This report only shows default currency preset of the bank account in [Master File > Chart of Account]

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Format 2 – Landscape: This report shows the document’s currency and relative base currency information

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Format 3 – Show Currency Summary: This report shows total debit and credit sides within the period and the balance in different currencies

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  • Sort Order: Sort the report by Voucher Date or Voucher No.

  • Page Break per Cash: Check to show information of different account codes in separate pages

Bank Reconciliation Statement

Report showing information of unpresentedcheques of chosen bank account

Account Report 6 eng.png
  • Bank A/C Code: Enter Bank Account Code preset in [System Setting  > System Account Setting]

  • As At: Report showing cheque information till the date entered. Default assystem date

  • Format: 4 formats can be chosen:

Format 1 – This format supports preview and printing functions

  • BALANCE AS PER BANK BOOK: Reflects current bank book amount as of the date at As At

  • ADD: UNCREDITED CHEQUES: Shows recipients’ uncredited cheques opened in system

  • LESS: UNPRESENTED CHEQUES: Shows unpresented cheques received and recorded in system but not presented yet

  • Balance As Per Bank Statement = Balance As Per Bank Book + Uncredited Cheques (Expense) – Unpresented Cheques (Income)

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Format 2 – This format supports preview and printing functions

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Format 3 – Show Particular: This format supports preview and printing functions

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Format 4 – Show Particular: This format supports preview and printing functions

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  • Page Break Per Bank: Check to show information of different bank account codes in separate pages

Project Income and Expenses

Report showing detailed information of project income and expenses

Account Report 7 eng.png
  • As At: Report showing information till the date entered. Default as the system date

  • Project: Enter a project code here. If not, all the projects will be searched

  • Department: Enter a department code here. If not, all the departments will be searched

  • Format: 4 formats can be chosen:

Format 1 – Detail: This report is sorted by project

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Format 2 – Detail: This report is sorted by project and department

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Format 3 – Summary:  This report is sorted by project

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Format 4 – Summary: This report is sorted by project and department

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Account Receivable

a. A/R Report

Report showing the detailed information of account receivable of each customer

Account Report 8 eng.png
  • Account Code: Default as A/R account code preset in [System Setting > System Account Setting]

  • Sub-Account: Enter sub-account code. If it is blank, all sub-accounts will be searched

  • Period: Input by user. Default as the first day of current fiscal year till system’scurrent month

  • Format: 3 formats can be chosen:

Format 1(Excel) – Portrait:  This report only shows the information of base currency

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Format 2 – Landscape: This report shows the document’s currency and related information of base currency

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Format 3 – Summary: This format supports preview and printing but no export to excel function. This report shows the total of A/R balance

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b. A/R Aging Summary Report

Report showing the A/R Aging Summary

Account Report 9 eng.png
  • Project: Enter a project code. If not, all the projects will be searched

  • Department: Enter a department code. If not, all the departments will be searched

  • Account Code: Default as A/R account code preset in [System Setting > System Account Setting]

  • Sub-Account: Enter the sub-account. If nothing is entered, all the sub-accounts will be searched

  • Ref. Date: Report showing information till the date entered. Default as the current system date

  • Salesman: Enter a salesman code. If not, all the salesmen will be searched

  • Format: 4 formats can be chosen:

Format 1(Excel) – Group by Customer: This report is sorted by customer. Each customer shows one A/R aging record separately

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Format 2 – Group by Salesman and Customer: This report is sorted by salesman based on their order of customer codes. For those customers without salesman’s information, this report will sort their customer codes by order

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Format 3 – Group by Project and Department: This report is sorted by project and department. Customer codes will be sorted for the same project and department. For those customers which are not under any project and department, the total outstanding amountof those customers will be shown

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Format 4 – Group by Salesman, Customer, Project and Department: This report is sorted by salesman, customer first and then sorted by project and department

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c. A/R Aging Report

Report showing the detailed A/R information

Account Report 10 eng.png
  • Project: Enter a project code. If not, all the projects will be searched

  • Department: Enter a department code. If not, all the departments will be searched

  • Account Code: Default as the A/R account code which is preset in System Account Setting under System Setting section

  • Sub-Account: Enter sub-account code. If it is blank, all sub-accounts will be searched

  • Ref. Date: Report showing information till the date entered. Default as the current system date

  • Salesman: Enter a salesman code. If not, all the salesmen will be searched

  • Format: 5 formats can be chosen:

Format 1(Excel) – This report is sorted by customer code

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Format 2 – Group by Project: The report is sorted by customer code first. The same customer codes will then be sorted based on different projects

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Format 3 – Group by Project + Department: This report is sorted by customer first and then sorted by project and department

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Format 4 – Show Invoice Ref. No.: This report is sorted by customer code and the invoice’s reference no. will be shown

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Format 5 – Show Multi-Curr. Amt. and A/C Defa. Curr. Subtotal: This report is sorted by customer code. Different Subtotal (by Multi-Currency) will be shown. The Subtotal is calculated based on the chosen currency of the Customer under Master File section

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  • Display: User can choose Display All to show all the outstanding amounts for the report or other options like Total Outstanding, <=10 days, etc.

  • Sort Order: Report can be sorted by Due Date or Invoice No.

  • Ref. No. entered in Invoice will be shown in this report

d. A/R Monthly Statement

Report showing the monthly statement of each customer

Account Report 11 eng.png
  • Currency: Default as the base currency preset in the system

  • Account No.: Default as A/R account code preset in [System Setting > System Account Setting]

  • Sub-Account: Enter the sub-account. If nothing is entered, all the sub-accounts will be searched

  • Inv. Date: Enter an invoice date. Default as the first date of the fiscal year until the last day of the current system date. For example, financial year is start at 01/04. Set invoice date as 01/04/2017 – 30/09/2017 if want to enquire 09/2017

  • Ref. Date: Report showing information till the date entered. Default as the current system date

  • Salesman: Enter a salesman code here. If not, all the salesmen will be searched

  • Format: 5 formats can be chosen:

Format 1 – Show Voucher Curr.: Report will show the currency of the document

  • Sort Order: Report can be sorted by invoice date, due date or invoice no.

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Format 2 – Detail: It shows the detailed information of the invoice and balance amount

  • Sort Order: Report is sorted by invoice date

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Format 3 – Unsettle. Inv. No. Show Paid Amount: This report can show the settled amount of unsettled invoices

  • Sort Order: Report can be sorted by invoice date, due date or invoice no.

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Format 4 – Show Voucher Curr. And Inv. Date: This report shows voucher’s currency and the due date of invoice

  • Sort Order: Report can be sorted by invoice date, due date or invoice no.

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Format 5 – Show Voucher Curr. And Monthly Balance by A/C Defa. Curr.: Report shows the voucher’s currency and monthly balance amount of the invoice

  • Sort Order: Report is sorted by invoice date

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e. Group Monthly Statement

(This function needs to be purchased separately, please contact your salesman for details.)

Report showing the monthly statement of a company’s group

Account Report 12 eng.png
  • Its functions are similar to Monthly Statement’s. Enter group number next to the Account Code. Other functions please refer to [Monthly Statement]

f. A/R Receive Status Report

To inquire about the amount of account receivable of each customer

Account Report 13 eng.png
  • Account Code: Preset as the account code of account receivable. Data are extracted from System Setting > Account and Aging Setting >The account code linked with Account Receivable

  • Sub-Account: Enter by users. Leave it blank for searching all sub-accounts

  • Invoice Date: Enter the invoice date for generating the report. If it is blank, all invoice dates will be shown

  • Payment Date: Enter the payment date for generating the report. If it is blank, all payment dates will be shown

  • Salesman: Enter by users. Leaving it empty for searching all salesmen

Report’s Preview Screen is as followed:

Account Report 63 eng.png

Account Payable

a. A/P Report

Report showing the detailed A/P information of each supplier

Account Report 14 eng.png
  • Its functions are similar to A/R Report’s. Please refer to [A/R Report]

b. A/P Aging Summary Report

Report showing the A/P Aging Summary of each supplier

Account Report 15 eng.png
  • Its functions are similar to A/R Aging Summary Report’s. Please refer to [A/R Aging Summary Report]

c. A/P Aging Report

Report showing A/P Aging information for each supplier

Account Report 16 eng.png
  • Instructions for inputting information of A/P Aging Report are similar to A/R Aging Report’s. Please refer to the [A/R Aging Report] section for details

  • Ref. No. entered in Supplier Invoice will be shown in this report

d. Monthly Statement

Report showing the monthly statement of each customer

Account Report 17 eng.png
  • Currency: Default as the base currency preset in the system

  • Account No.: Default as A/P account code preset in [System Setting > System Account Setting]

  • Sub-Account: Enter by user. If nothing is entered, all sub-accounts will be searched

  • Inv. Date: Enter by user. Default as the first date of the fiscal year until current system date. For example, financial year is start at 01/04, set invoice date as 01/04/2017 – 30/09/2017 if want to enquire 09/2017

  • Ref. Date: Report showing information till the date entered. Default as the current system date

  • Salesman: Enter a salesman code here. If not, all the salesmen will be searched

  • Format: 5 formats can be chosen:

Format 1 – Show Voucher Curr.: Report will show the currency of the document

  • Sort Order: Report can be sorted by invoice date, due date or invoice no.

Account Report 64 eng.png

Format 2 – Detail: It shows the detailed information of the invoice and balance amount

  • Sort Order: Report is sorted by invoice date

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Format 3 – Unsettle. Inv. No. Show Paid Amount: This report can show the settled amount of unsettled invoices

  • Sort Order: Report can be sorted by invoice date, due date or invoice no.

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Format 4 – Show Voucher Curr. And Inv. Date: This report shows voucher’s currency and the due date of invoice

  • Sort Order: Report can be sorted by invoice date, due date or invoice no.

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Format 5 – Show Voucher Curr. And Monthly Balance by A/C Defa. Curr.: Report shows the voucher’s currency and monthly balance amount of the invoice

  • Sort Order: Report is sorted by invoice date

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e. Group A/P Report

Report showing the detailed A/P Report of a group of suppliers

Account Report 18 eng.png
  • Its functions are similar to A/P Report’s. Please refer to [A/P Report]

  • Format: 5 formats are available

f. A/P Payment Status Report

To inquire about the amount of account payable of each supplier

Account Report 19 eng.png
  • Account Code: Preset as the account code of account payable. Data are extracted from [System Setting > Account and Aging Setting >The account code linked with Account Payable]

  • Sub-Account: Enter by users. Leave it blank for searching all sub-accounts

  • Invoice Date: Enter the invoice date for generating the report. If it is blank, all invoice dates will be shown

  • Payment Date: Enter the payment date for generating the report. If it is blank, all payment dates will be shown

  • Salesman: Enter by users. Leaving it empty for searching all salesmen

Report’s Preview Screen is as followed:

Account Report 69 eng.png

Financial Statement

a. Trial Balance

Report of the balance of all charts of accounts of a chosen date or within a period for enquiry

Account Report 20 eng.png
  • As at: Default as the system date which can be changed

  • Period: Enter the period for the report. Default as the first day till the end of current fiscal year

  • Display Zero Item: All the charts of accounts with “0” balance will also be shown in the report

  • 2 formats are as followed:

    • As at: Trial balance will show the data from the first day of using the system till the date entered. Profit and Loss will show data from the first day of the current fiscal year till the date entered. For example: Provided the system was used since 2015, Hong Kong’s fiscal year is 01/04 and the date enquired as at 19/10/2017

      • Trial Balance’s data will be searchedfrom 01/04/2015 till 19/10/2017

      • Profit and Loss’s data will be searched from 01/04/2017 till 19/10/2017

    • Period: Only search data within the chosen period. Previous balance will not be considered

      • If checking the balance of all the accounts, user should choose as at. If user only checks the data within a chosen period, user should choose Period

Account Report 70 eng.png

b. Balance Sheet

  • It shows the balance sheet of all charts of accounts: assets, liabilities or share capital, etc.

Account Report 21 eng.png
  • Year: Default as the year of the current system date

  • To Month: Default as the month of the current system date

  • Period: System will search from the first day of the current fiscal year till the end of the month according to the year and month entered

  • Format: 6 formats can be chosen:

Format 1(Excel) – This report shows the data as at the last day of the chosen month and the opening balance of the chosen year

Account Report 71 eng.png

Format 2 – This report shows the data as at the last day of the chosen month and the same day in previous year

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Format 3 – This report shows the opening balance, the data from the beginning of current fiscal year till the chosen month and the data as at the last day of the chosen month

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Format 4 – This report shows the opening balance, the data from the beginning of current fiscal year till the chosen month and the data as at the last day of the chosen month when comparing the same information from the previous year

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Format 5 – This report will show the data from the past 11 months till the month preset in To Month

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Format 6 – This report will show the quarterly data from the past 11 months till the month preset in To Month

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Data shown is preset at Balance Sheet Format in [System Setting > System Account Setting].It has 2 options:

  • Assets = Liability + Capital

  • Capital = Assets – Liability

Account Report 22 eng.png

c. Profit &Loss

Report showing data of all Profit and Loss’s charts of accounts i.e. income, cost and expense

Account Report 23 eng.png
  • Project: Enter a project code. If not, all the projects will be searched

  • Department: Enter a department code. If not, all the departments will be searched

  • Year: Default as the year of the current system date

  • Month: Default as the month of the current system date

  • Period: System automatically shows the period according to the month and year entered in Year and To Month sections

  • Format: 7 formats can be chosen:

Format 1(Excel) – Report shows the data from the chosen month and year

Account Report 77 eng.png

Format 2 – This report will show the data according to the Profit and Loss Format setting in [System Account Setting under System Setting] section

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Format 3 – This report shows the data according to the month and year entered by user and the data from the same period of the previous year

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Format 4 – This report shows data of the current fiscal year till the previous month from the chosen month inputted by user, the chosen month and the first date of current fiscal year till the chosen month

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Format 5 – This report shows data of the previous month from the chosen month of that fiscal year, the chosen month and the current fiscal year till the current month. Also, the same information from previous year will also be shown for comparison

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Format 6 – This report shows data up to 12 months from the chosen month

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Format 7 – This report shows quarterly data (previous 11 months) before the chosen month

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Account Report 24 eng.png
  • Data shown in is preset in [System Setting > System Account Setting > Profit & Loss Format > Profit and Loss]. It has 2 options: % by Total Income / % by Gross Profit

d. Cash Flow Statement

Report showing information of cash flow

Account Report 25 eng.png
  • Year: Default as the current year of the system date

  • To Month: Default as the current month of the system date

  • Period: System automatically shows the period according to the month and year entered by user

  • Format: 2 formats can be chosen:

Format 1

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Format 2

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