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Daily Operation   >   Voucher


Used for entering amounts of different account items

Basic functions

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  • Voucher Type: Retrieved from Document Numbering Setting > Numbering Type. If a user does not select the voucher type, the Voucher cannot be saved

  • Voucher No.: Input manually or generated by the system. Enter Voucher No. before inputting other information. Do not input Voucher no. if the user wants to generate it from the system. Just choose Voucher type and the system will generate the Voucher No. after saving

  • Search for Voucher: Search vouchers by VoucherType / No. / Date, Update By, Invoice / Cheque No., Cheque Date, Due Date, Project, Department, Account Code, Sub Account, Amount / Particular

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  • Save As: Copy all the information from an original voucher to a new voucher

  • Import: Import an Excel file (Format must be the same of exported voucher database)E.g. the below picture has shown that if user inputs a new entry of information with voucher type, voucher date will default it as a new voucher

  • Voucher Date: Default as the system date and can be changed by the user

Voucher’s Interface

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  • Account Code: Input by user or search existing A/C Codes

  • Sub Acct.: Input by user or search existing Sub-Acct Codes. If an account code is not attached with a sub-account, the sub-account option cannot be entered

  • A/C Name: Retrieved byAccount Code

  • Particular: Input by user. No digit limits

  • Currency: Retrieved by A/C Code. Users can change other currencies.

  • Debit / Credit: User inputs the amount of debit / credit side up to 2 decimal places. Each voucher’s Total Debit must equal to Total Credit

  • Exrate: Preset exchange rate. Changes of exchange rate here only apply to this voucher. Users can go to System Setting > Currency to change the exchange rate permanently

  • Assets, Liabilities, Capital, Revenue, Expense: These buttons allow users to search Charts of Account quickly according to its account type.  E.g. Items under the assets button belongs to the assets category

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  • Unsettlement: Enter A/R or A/P codes into Acct Code and Sub-Acct sections. After searching fromsystem, Unsettlement Invoiceinterface will show the unsettled amounts of A/R or A/P accounts. Check wanted items and then click the Copy to Voucher button, these chosen unsettlement invoices of A/R or A/P accounts will be copied to the Voucher

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  • Balance: When the final account code is inputted into the system, user should click this button and the system will automatically balance the voucher’s amount

Particular and Invoice

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  • Particular: Same function as the above Particular section

  • Invoice No.: Input up to 20 characters. If the inputted invoice no. already existed, a message “INVOICE NO. IS DUPLICATED!” will be shown, click “OK” to continue

  • P.O.No.: Input up to 20 characters

  • Project: Choose a project code from the existing record. After that, related information will be shown in some reports

  • Department: Choose a department code from the existing record. After that, related information will be shown in some reports

  • Due Date: Default as system date. For customer or supplier, the system will calculate the due date


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  • Bank Name: Input up to 50 characters

  • Bank Account: Input up to 30 characters

  • Cheque No.: Input up to 20 characters

  • Cheque Date: Input byuser. Cheque date should also be entered to savethe voucher

  • Rec. Date: Reconciliation date of a cheque. Edit it in [Daily Operation > Bank Reconciliation] if necessary

  • Saved Voucher can be edited

  • Users can enter information into the upper/lower part of voucher. The lower part is recommended as it can show all entered data

Enter Opening Voucher before Using the System

This step can transfer balance to MAS-Account system. According to the accounting documents generated by the system like Balance Sheet or Trial Balance, users need to update these pieces of information to the system. If a user already has the Balance Sheet report for that financial year before using the system, the user can simply input those pieces of information following Step 1. Balance Sheet

1. Balance Sheet

  • This Voucher is used for bringing the opening balance to the system and users need to prepare the following information:

    1. Input the financial year (Month / Date), e.g.: 01/01

    2. The most updated Balance Sheet report before using our system, e.g.: 31/12/2017 (that means user starts using our system in 2018); As mentioned above, if users do not start using our system at the beginning of that financial year (01/01), another report (Trial Balance) needs to be prepared

    3. The Trial Balance report in that period (i.e. From 01/01 to the date the system is in use)

For example, the financial year of ABC Company is 01/01 and starts using the MAS-Account system from 01/06/2018. Users need to prepare two separate financial reports. The first one is the Balance Sheet report dated by 31/12/2017, another one is Trial Balance report from 01/01/2018 to 31/05/2018

  • According to the above reports, ABC Company needs to create two vouchers; For the first voucher, user needs to input those related transactions in the Balance Sheet report dated by 31/12/2017. Please refer to the following sample for inputting the Voucher as below:

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  •  For the second voucher, ABC Company should input the balance record for each account from the Trial Balance report between 01/01/2018 to 31/05/2018

  • Since Trial Balance report includes the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet’s items, to avoid double transaction, the account figures of Trial Balance first need to minus the same account figures in the Balance Sheet of 31/12/2017, then inputting the balance into the voucher. The total amount should be equal to ‘ balance of Trial Balance - Balance Sheet’ balance. Please refer to the following sample:

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2. Trial Balance

If the user only has the Trial Balance report for that year before using the system, the user needs to get the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet reports first, please refer to the following steps in 2. Trial Balance section in order to input those pieces of information

  • This voucher is used for bringing the closing balance to our system before using the system. MAS system will generate the Financial Statements including Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss reports of that financial year automatically. Users need to prepare the following information:

    1. Input the financial year, e.g.﹕01/01

    2. The most updated Trial Balance report before using the system, e.g.﹕31/12/20017 (that means user starts using our system in 2018)

  • For the above example, ABC Company needs to create a voucher based on the Trial Balance report of 31/12/2017. Please refer to the following example for this Voucher:

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