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Document   >   Enquiries   >   Price/Cost History

Price/Cost History

To check the history of the selling price and the purchase cost of a product in existing sales/purchase document

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  • Max Num.: Default as the latest 20 records. The number setting can be changed by user

  • Type: Default as the “Price” option. User can also choose “Cost”

  • Doc.Type: Search the documents related to “Price” or “Cost”

  • Searching “Price”: Types include Quotation, Sales Confirmation, Invoice and Delivery Note

  • Searching “Cost”: Supervisory Password’s interface will pop out. Enter Supervisory Password (Default as blank, change it in System Setting > System Parameter Setting). Click “OK”

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  • Customer / Supplier Code: Enter by user. Empty to search all customers / suppliers’ information

  • Product Code: Enter by user. Empty to search all products

  • Category: Choose by user. Empty to search all categories

  • Sub-Category: Choose by user. Empty to search all sub-categories

  • Search: Search product information according to criteria entered

  • Clear: Clear the current interface’s information

  • Exit: Leave the Enquiries’ interface

  • Display Zero Price: All the products with “0” price or cost will be shown after clicking this button

  • Note: It will show doc. date, doc. no., product code, product name, qty, curr, net price, net price (base currency), price, discount, customer code, customer name

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