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Master   >   POS   >   Shop Product Price

Shop Product Price

To set product price for different periods

Shop Product Price By Period 1 eng.png

Steps for setting:

  1. Choose the target shop, or select [Apply to all shop] to apply the same promotion to all shops

  2. Choose period

  3. Click [+] to add a new record, input product code, either input the column of P (+/- %) or P (+/-). If the adjustment amount (%) is entered as (-10), the product will have a 10% discount. The Adjusted Price will be calculated automatically

  4. Click [+] again to add another new record

  5. Click [Save] after finishing. A document number will be generated

  • Note:

    • No repeating promotion periods

    • P (+/- %) = to set the discount percentage

    • P (+/- ) = to set the deducting amount for each product

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