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Master   >   Customer/Supplier


Create, edit, delete and search information of customer/supplier

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  • Customer Code: Enter up to 15 characters

  • Click [Magnifier] button to search existing customer information

  • Account Receivable account code is chosen by user. It is set in [A/R Account Code Default Setting in Account and Aging Setting under System Setting section.]

  • Save As: Copy the customer’s information into a new customer code (Applicable to different company names or group companies at the same address)

  • Name and Address: Enter up to 50 characters (up to 25 Chinese characters). Information entered here will be shown in documents and reports

  • URL: Customer URL

  • CreditLimit: In the left-hand side, default currency of this customer’s document can be set; in the right-hand side, Credit limit for customer can be set. When opening document, if the amount exceed the credit limit, enter Supervisory password to dismiss CreditLimit over standing warning

  • Discount%: Documents will automatically show the preset discount percentage

  • Terms Day: Automatically calculate the due date when opening an invoice bythese methods:

    1. No. of months: Due based on how many months from the date the invoice is opened

    2. No. of days: Due based on how many days from the date the invoice is opened

    3. Month end + No. of months: Due based on how many additional months from the end of the month the invoice is opened

    4. Month end + No. of days: Due based on how many additional days from the end of the month the invoice is opened

  • Salesman 1 & 2: Preset in [Salesman under Master File] section.Afterchoosing the specific salesman here, system will show the salesman’s information when opening a document

  • Payment Terms & Trade Terms: After entering payment and trade terms (up to 100 characters) here, information will be shown when opening a document


Inactive Setting

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  • Inactive: After checking this box, the chosen customer will not be shown in the customers’ search interface or customer cannot be searched when opening a new article. User can choose to print all, active, and inactive customers

If you need to search the customer's past records or print them, you can select [Inactivate] when searching



  • Directly enter the information you want to search for and then click the [Search] button to search

  • Note: This is a prefix search. If the search criteria are not prefixes, please use the [Magnifier] next to the customer number to search directly

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  • You can search according to the following conditions: Customer number \ Customer name (English) \ Customer name (Chinese) \ Contact person \ Telephone \ Fax \ Mobile phone \ Region \ Origin \ Nature \ Division \ Email address \ Address Search

  • Loose/Exact search:

    • The search criteria will be loose search by default

    • Loose: You can find files by entering keywords

    • Exact: The input content must be exactly the same in large and small steps

*Loose/Exact search can be preset in System Parameter Settings*


Importing Setting

  • Import an Excel file (Format must be the same of exported customer database)

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Customer 3 eng.png


  • Input Name, Address and any Remark of customers

    1. Customer English Name and Address will be shown in document’s English printing format

    2. Customer Chinese Name and Address will be shown in document’s Chinese printing format

    3. Remarks 1 / 2 have no digit limit and will be shown in Customer Details in a new document

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Business information includes the following:

  • Delivery Address

  • Delivery Contact

  • Delivery Telephone

  • Delivery Fax

  • Area

  • Origin

  • Nature

  • Sector

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  • Users can decide whether to set the region, source, nature, and partition information

  • ​Setting the above information is suitable for Group Customer Product Price by Period, or is suitable for reporting to perform conditional filtering



  • Enter other information of the customer. This information will not be shown in any document

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Customer Contact

Customer Contact

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  • Press + button to add Contact, Tel, Fax, Mobile, E-Mail and Position information, etc.

  • Press - button to delete Contact, Tel, Fax, Mobile, E-Mail and Position information, etc.

  • Check the [Tick] box in front of the contact person, the chosen information will become the default contact information automatically

  • There is only ONE contact person can be set as default and there is no digit limit of inputting contact person and relevant information

Customer Delivery Address

Customer Delivery Address:

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  • Press + button to add Delivery Contact, Tel, Fax, Mobile etc.

  • Press - button to delete Delivery Contact, Tel, Fax, Mobile etc.

  • Check the [Tick] box in front of the contact person, the chosen information will become the default delivery address automatically

  • There is only ONE delivery address can be set as default and there is no digit limit of inputting contact person and relevant information

Customer Group Accounts

Set up Customer Group Accounts

  • Set up Group Accounts for Customer/ Supplier with more than one shop

    1. Set up the main Account

    2. Follow the instructions to set up its Group Account

    3. System supports Group A/R monthly statement

Steps for setting up Group Accounts:

1. Set up the main account

  • E.g. ABC Company, Customer code is “ABC”

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2. Set up Group Accounts

  • Group Accounts Code must start with Main Accounts Code. If the Main Account Code is “ABC”, its Group Accounts Code must start with “ABC-”. For example, set the code of first and second shop as “ABC-01” and “ABC-02” respectively

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3. Setup steps for Group Account Payable are same as above.

Customer Delivery Address


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  • Its functions are similar to Customer’s. Please refer to the above introduction for details

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