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System Utility   >   Month End Inventory

Month End Inventory

Speed up inventory report’s searching and find out the stock before deleting relevant documents

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  • Current Month End: Latest date on which the user has performed a Month End. For read only

  • Generate Month End Inventory: Default as the last day of current system date. Can be changed by user

  • Steps for conducting Month End: Enter date to generate a Month End and then press [OK]

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  • Remarks:

    1. When generating Month End Inventory, each month needs to be entered in order

    2. After finishing the Month End Inventory, the inventory amount before this month end’s date can still be edited. User should then redo the Month End Inventory after changes

    3. After finishing the Month End Inventory, it is recommended to use “Period Lock” to avoid accidental change of data in relevant documents

  • Month End History: Click Current Month End, system will show the interface with Month End History. Choose a date in History and click [Remove] to delete a Month End’s record

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