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Document   >   Enquiries   >   Inventory Enquiries

Inventory Enquiries

A quick search on inventory: Stock, Distribution, Goods Receivable/Payable’s conditions, etc.

Inventory Enquiries 1 eng.png
  • Product Code: Entered by user. If it is blank, all products will be shown

  • Category: Entered by user. If not, all categories will be shown

  • Sub-Category: Entered by user. If not, all sub-categories will be shown

  • Show Cost: Click to show Average Cost and Standard Cost of the products

  • Search: Product information will be searched according to the criteria entered

  • Clear: Clear current interface’s information

  • Exit: Leave Enquiries’ interface

Product Stock Interface

Inventory Enquiries 2 eng.png
  • Stock On Hand: Double clickto check distribution of stock, as shown in the picture above

Coming Interfact

Inventory Enquiries 3 eng.png
  • Goods Receivable: Double click the Goods Receivable column to check the receivable quantity of related purchase orders. (Goods Receivable: A purchase order has been created, but the quantity has not transferred to supplier invoice / Goods Receive Note)

  • Late Days: System will compare the enquiry date with the delivery date in the Sales Confirmation. Late Dates = System Date – Delivery Date

Going Interface

Inventory Enquiries 4 eng.png
  • Goods Payable: Double click Goods Payable column to check the payable quantity of related sales confirmation. (Goods Payable: A Sales confirmation has been created, but the quantity has not been transferred to invoice / delivery note)

  • Late Days: System will compare the enquiry date with the delivery date in the Purchase Order. Late Dates = System Date – Delivery Date

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