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Document   >   Sales   >   Quotation


To conduct customer’s quotation. Quotation does not affect the accounting and stock

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  • Cust. Code: Input manually or search Customer Code for the quotation. It must be entered to save the Quotation. Input new customer code and click the 3 dots [...] to create new customer data. The interface of [Master > Customer] will appear after clicking [...]

  • Search Customer Code: Click  [Magnifier] to search existing customer information by Customer Code, English Name, Chinese Name, Contact, Tel., Fax, Mobile, Email or English Address

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  • Customer Name: Retrieved customer’s English name according to customer code

  • Contact: Preset contact person. It can be changed here. Can choose other contact

  • Email, Tel, Subject, Fax, C.C., Mobile: Retrieved according to the contact person

  • Term: Terms day preset in [Master File > Customer]. It can be changed here

  • Salesman: Preset in [Master > Salesman]. It can be changed here

  • Doc. No.: Input manually or generated by system (default System Numbering Setting). Please enter Doc. No. before other information

  • Doc.No. Search: click [Magnifier] to search existing quotations by Doc. No., Doc. Date, Customer Name, Ref. No., Contact, Tel. and Fax search

Document Search Interface

  • Click [Document] to search existing quotations by Doc. No., Doc. Date, Customer Name, Ref. No.. Click the “Show detail” button to look for detail of corresponding quotation.

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  • Ref. No.: Input up to 30 characters

  • Curr.: Retrieved according to Customer information. Change it before editing product information

  • Ex-Rate: Retrieved from [System Setting > Currency > Rate]. Can be changed manually as well

  • Doc. Date: Default as system date. Can be changed manually or can be selected using calendar

  • Delivery Date: Input by user. Default as blank or can be selected using calendar

  • Fix Disc.: Fixed discount amount of document. Cannot be larger than the total amount

  • Discount: Discount percentage of the total amount

  • Deposit: Enter manually. Net Amount equals to Total Amount minus Deposit in printing the document

  • Total Amount = Total net amount of products x (1 - Discount percentage) – Fixed Discount

Customer Search Interface

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  • Inquire or change customer information. Information changed here only affects this document but not in Master > Customer info. [Interface as shown above]

Copy Interface

  • Copy another document’s information into this document. Steps are as follow:

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  1. Select Doc. Type (QUO/SC/INV/… etc.)

  2. Input Doc No. which needs to be copied, or click [Magnifier] to search existing doc by different criteria

  3. Press [Select All] button to copy the whole document.

  4. Click [Tick] of the Product Code to select products’ information. Then click [Copy]

  5. Press Select [None] to cancel all selected products’

  6. Document content (quantity, amount, name etc.) can also be edited after copying

Miscellaneous Interface

  • Input customer’s other information

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  • Voucher: System will generate a voucher. Customer Code and Name will be shown in Particular. Information can be changed here. Only affect the document that voucher will be generated automatically

Footer Interface

  • Display footer’s information in quotation. Steps are as follow:

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  1. Click + button to input footer’s information

  2. Input Title and Content

  3. Click Copy Footer. Select a default footer to copy at [System Setting > Footer Template Management]. Default setting can refer to [Footer Template Management]

  4. Then, press [Exit] to return to the Quotation’s interface

Input Product Information

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  • Item: System will add 1 into the item no. for each product addition

  • Prod.Code: Input by user or click [Magnifier] to search product code. It must be entered to save the document

  • Product name: Retrieved product description in [Master File > Product]. Can be modified here

  • Qty: Input by user

  • Unit: Retrieved from [Master File > Product]. Can be modified here

  • Price: Retrieved from [Master File > Product]. Can be modified here

  • Disc. (%): Product Individual discount percentage entered by user

  • Total = Qty x Pricex (1 –Disc %)

  • [E] Enquiries: Product’s Enquiries interface. Please refer to [Enquiries]

  • [P] Price / Cost History: Price / Cost History interface. Please refer to [Price / Cost History]

  • [O] Other: The data is extracted from the packing information in the product information. Enter more information selected product. E.g. Packing or Remarks information, etc.

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Product Price Display area

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  • Cust. P. Code: Preset Customer Product Code in [Master File > Customer Product Code]

  • Total Qty: Total quantity of the chosen product. Cannot be changed

  • Price: Customer’s normal prices or special prices are preset in [Master File > Customer Product Price Lookup]Press [Down] button to import preset prices into this document

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  • Price : Update current price into [Master File > Customer Product Price Lookup]. Press [Right] button to export price into Customer Product Price Lookup

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  • Project: Enter the Project Code to which the item belongs. Add or edit a Project Code in [Master > Project]

  • Dept.: Enter the Department Code to which the item belongs. Add or edit a Department Code in [Master > Dept]

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  • Enter more product description in Desc1-5. English: Left column; Chinese: Right column

  • Click [Extra] to enter Extra description. There is no word limit. It is shown after Desc1-5 when printing. Other description will not be shown

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Hot Keys

  • Please refer to Function List

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