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Master   >   POS   >   Promotion Items

Promotion Items

Contains Promotion Setting (By Product), Gift Category Setting, Promotion Product Setting, and Promotion Total Amount Setting

Promotion Setting (By Product)

To add or delete the product under different promotion items

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Steps for setting:

  1. On the right interface, use category, brand, color, size, model and product as search criteria and select the products that need to be added to the promotion category, and click [<] to add to the list on the left; for deleting an existing product, choose the target product in the list on the left and click [>] to delete

  2. A promotion code will be generated automatically after clicking [Save]

  3. If the products in the promotion category are applicable to additional discounts on top of existing discounts, you can check [☑]

Gift Category Setting

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To add or delete the product under different gift categories, refer to Promotion Setting (By Product) for setup steps

Promotion Product Setting

1. Product Discount

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Example 1: Set up 10% discount for buying 2 or more of the same product

  1. Choose a shop, or select [Apply to all shop] to apply the same promotion to all shops

  2. Choose promotion period

  3. Choose “Product Discount”

  4. Click [+] to add a new record, input product code, and choose the member type (leave it blank for the promotion which is for all customers), quantity, discount (%) or discount (amount)

  5. Click [+] again to add another new record

  6. Click [Save] after input all data completely. A document number will be generated

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Cashier (Front-end): When input 2 of the promoting product, default P-Disc will be shown in “Promotion” column. Discount, total amount and net amount will also be shown.

2. Product Special Price

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Example 2: - Set up Special Price for purchase any 2 or more items of a                                certain category

                 - Set up Special Price for purchase any 3 or more pieces                                   of a specific product

  1. Select a shop, you can select [Apply to all shops], and all shops will carry out similar promotions

  2. Select promotion period

  3. Choose to set product discounts

  4. Press [+] to add a record, enter the preset promotion code (for setting method, please refer to Promotion Setting), and then select the membership group (no need to enter if applicable to all customers),  quantity, and special price

  5. After the input is completed, you can press [+] again to add another new record

  6. After all data has been entered, press [Archive] to save. The system will generate a file number

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- When entering 2 items in the promotion category, "Promotion" will display the default discount category, indicating the product as a promotional product (product special price) and display (P.SAmt) and show product special price (As shown in the picture above)

- When entering 3 or more pieces of a specific special discount product, "Promotion" will display the default discount category, indicating the product as a promotional product (product special price) and display (P. SAmt ) and show product special prices (as shown in the picture above)

3. Gift (By Product)

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Example 3: Set up to receive gift when purchasing a certain quantity of                              products or specific promotional products

Select gift type (please refer to gift type for set up details) or gift code of a specific gift. Either gift type or gift code can be entered for each set up (as shown in the picture above)

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When entering a product, "Promotion" will show that the product comes with a gift, "Promotion" will show the product as a promotional product (gift-by product) and display (P. Gift), and then enter another items set as gifts (the product which was set as a certain gift type or a specific gift will be paid together)


  • Promotion periods cannot be overlapped

  • Discount = to set the deducting amount for each product

4. Combination of products

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Example 4: Set up the purchase of a specific combination of products and                          set the total selling price of the combination (as shown in the                            picture above)

Users can set the purchase of specific combination of products according to different membership categories and set the total selling price of the combination (as shown in the picture above)

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Enter a product which belongs to a combination of products. "Promotion" will display the product as a promotional product of a combination and display (P. Comb). When entering another product which meets the combination criteria, the system will automatically generate the selling price of the combination. (as shown in the picture above)


  • Promotion period cannot be overlapped

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After entering a product which belongs to a combination of products, enter the membership number. When the promotion meets the requirements of the combination of products, (P. Comb) will be displayed in "Promotion" column; the system will automatically generate the selling price of the combination (as shown in the picture above)

Promotion Total Amount Setting

1. Amount Discount

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  1. Input promotion period

  2. Choose a shop. To apply the same promotion to all shops, choose the box [Apply to all the shop]

  3. Click [+] to add a new record, and input related information, for example the range of total amount, Promotional Disc and Fixed Promotional Disc

  4. Click [+] again to add another new record

  5. Click [Save] after finishing

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If the total amount meets $1000, the default 15% discount will be shown

2. Gift (By Amount)

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To set the gift type and gift quantity according to the purchased amount (Please refer to Amount Discount for the setting). After set up Amount Discount, click Gift (By Amount) and then input gift type and gift quantity. For example, 2 gifts for the purchase of $1000 or above

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If the total amount meets $1000, input the gift code. It will be displayed as ($Gift) in the “Promotion” column. The 2 gifts will then be free of charge.

3. Advance

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In Advance, Total Amount Discount, Promotion Disc (%), Gift Type and Gift Quantity can be set up at the same time. For example, to offer 10% discount and 1 gift when total amount meets $1000 or above

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If the total amount meets $1000, 10% discounted amount will be shown, then input the gift code, ($Adv) will be shown in "Promotion" column. This gift will then be free of charge.

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