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Report   >   Report (POS)

Report (POS)

Contains all kind of Report (POS) information

Multi-purpose Sales Analysis Report

To view the sales status according to one of the keywords including product type, brand category, salesman or shop, and limit the range according to date, week, month, quarter or year

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  1. Choose the option in “Type”, for example shop, and set the shop range below

  2. Choose the option in “Period”, for example if a user needs to view the sales analysis for 8 months since January 2017 of each shop, choose “Month” in the column of Period, type “8” in the right hand side, and choose the starting date to be 01/2017

  3. Click [Preview] or [Print] after finishing

AdHoc Sales Analysis Report

A user can choose the needed items and keywords to generate reports and save as Excel file

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1. Input report number (Once saved, report template could be searched with report number)

2. Choose the item needed from the column on the left, and click [>] to add to the report item list on the right

3. Choose keywords for primary and secondary in the “Group By” column

4. The following options are available in the “Option” column:

  • Display void information only (To display the void invoice in a report only)

  • Display refund product only (To display the stock information that is in negative number when creating a receipt)

  • Summary only (To display only summary of receipt but not the detail of products)

  • Need delivery only (To display the invoice which needs delivery in a report only)

5. Click [Save] after finishing. Then the report template could be searched by clicking [Magnifer] next to the Report Template column

View Reports

1. Choose the target report template

2. Set the searching range in primary and secondary, choose the date for the invoice and payment in scope column

3. Click [Excel] to save the report as Excel file

Time Series Sales Analysis Report (Support Chart Presentation)

To view the sales analysis of different products during a certain time, and chart presentation supported

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  • Steps please refer to [Multi-purpose Sales Analysis Report]

Quantity Analysis By Shop

To view sales analysis of product according to date, shop, product code and salesman

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Payment Analysis Report

To view the list of payment type and amount according to date and shop

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Commission Analysis Report

To view the salesmen’s commission analysis according to date, shop and salesman code. The report could be printed or saved as Excel

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Cash Flow Deviation Analysis Report

To view deviation information between closing balance and actual input amount according to date and shop

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Coupon Analysis Report

To view the coupon using status (including both, used coupon and the coupon that not yet use) according the coupon no., invoice date and expire date

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Cash Withdrawal Report

To view the list of cash withdrawal according to date, shop or salesman

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Cash Add Report

To view list of cash add according to date, shop or salesman

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2-Dimension Sales Analysis Report

To view the sales analysis according to product brand, model, code, salesman etc.

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Inventory Report

To view the stock list according to currency, category, sub category, product code, supplier and date etc.

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Support showing one or a certain range of warehouse could be arranged according to warehouse or product code

  • All: To display all products

  • < > 0: To display product that the quantity is not equal to “0”

  • > 0: To display product with a positive number quantity

  • < 0: To display product with a negative number quantity

  • <= 0: To display product that the quantity is “0” or a negative number

  • > Reorder Level: To display product that the quantity is greater than the reorder level

  • <= Reorder Level: To display product that the quantity is equal to or lower than the reorder level

2-Dimension Inventory Report

To view stock according to the category, model or warehouse. Reports could be printed or saved as Excel file

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Inventory Movement Report

To view the inventory movement according to product category, product code, warehouse and period

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Slow Movement Analysis Report

To view a product in which the sales percentage is lower than the set percentage or greater than set days, according to the product code, warehouse, model and category. Reports could be printed or saved to Excel

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Goods in Transit Report

To view product information that Internal Product Transfer (Stock Out) document is built, but Internal Product Transfer (Stock In) document has not yet been created. Information could be listed according to stock-out number, date, or product code

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Information could be grouped and sorted by to stock-out number, stock-out date, product, stock-out shop and stock-in shop in reports

Invoice List

To view invoice information according to the invoice number, product code, invoice date etc. Display options include all, normal invoice only, void only and summary

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Purchase Order Status Report

To view the receiving status of a purchase order. Purchase order number, purchase order date and product code could be sorted as keywords in the reports and could be grouped by purchase number, purchase date, product code and stock -in shop

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Internal Purchase Requisition Report

To view internal purchase requisition information and approval status. Searched by internal purchase requisition number, date or product code

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Member Bonus Point Analysis Report

To view members’ record of gaining and using points, according to invoice date and member code

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Member Follow-up List

To print member information list and member mailing label

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Label Printing

Create, edit, delete and search Label Printing

a. Member Mailing Label Printing

To print mailing labels according to existing member information, name and address, member barcode would be displayed on the mailing label

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Member Label Search

  • Member information can be searched by member code, birthday, join date, expiry date, point, area, sex and member category

  • Format: 2 formats can be chosen:

    • Format 1: 66mm x 33.8mm-HERMA A4 Size (24 Pcs):24 labels can be printed for each A4 paper, label size is 66mm x 33.8mm

    • Format 2: 96.5mm x 42.3mm-HERMA A4 Size (12 Pcs):12 labels can be printed for each A4 paper, label size is 96.5mm x 42.3mm

  • Clear Selection: After clicking this button, all the selected information will be cleared

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Printing-to-be section

  • The system will automatically show the related customer’s information in this section

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Function Keys

  • [>>] Add All:All customer’s information in the printing-to-be section on the left-hand side will be moved to the printing section on the right

  • [>] Add Selected: Move selected information from left to right

  • [<] Remove Selected: Remove selected information from the right-hand side

  • [<<] Remove All: Remove all information from right to left

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Printing section

  • Preview or print the information shown in this section

b. Product Barcode Label Printing

  • To print barcode of products according to existing product information

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  • Steps please refer to [Member Mailing Label Printing]

c. Supplier Mailing Label Printing

  • To print mailing labels according to existing supplier information. Supplier name, address and supplier barcode would be displayed on the mailing label

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  • Steps please refer to [Member Mailing Label Printing]

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