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Master File   >   Trade Promotion   >   Customer Product Price by Period

Customer Product Price by Period

Adjust prices of different products in a specific period for a specific customer or all customers

  • Customer Code: Press [Magnifier] button or input directly to look for existing customer codes. Check [Tick] for all if the price of this product is applicable to all customers

Customer Product Price By Period 1 eng.png
  • Period: Enter the effective date, period of different document cannot duplicate

Customer Product Price By Period 1 eng.png
  • Save As: Copy a specific product’s price into a new document with different customer or period

Customer Product Price By Period 2 eng.png
Customer Product Price By Period 1 eng.png

Export Setting

  • Click [Export], select to export the Excel file, and export the price of the product time period

Customer Product Price By Period 3 eng.png
  • Export time period price format

Customer Product Price By Period 4 eng.png

Import Setting

  • Click [Import] and select Import, from the Excel file (Must be in the same format as the customer's product time period price export) path contact information interface​

Customer Product Price By Period 5 eng.png
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