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Report   >   Document Analysis Report

Document Analysis Report

Contains all kind of Document Analysis Reports information

Standard Reports and Ad Hoc Reports

The documents of Sales and Purchases have separate analysis reports

Standard Reports are as followed:

1) Sales Analysis

2) Sales Analysis (For Salesman Purpose)

3) Time Series Sales Analysis (Support Chart Presentation)

4) Quotation Analysis

5) Sales Confirmation Analysis

6) Delivery Note Analysis

7) Purchase Order Analysis

8) Supplier Invoice Analysis

9) Goods Receive Note Analysis

10) Sales Return Note Analysis

11) Purchase Return Note Analysis

12) Sales Replacement Note Analysis

13) Purchase Replacement Note Analysis

14) Credit Note Analysis

15) Debit Note Analysis(Customer)

16) Debit Note Analysis(Supplier)

17) Consignment Invoice Analysis

18) Supplier Consignment Invoice Analysis

19) Outstanding Invoice Analysis

20) Outstanding QUO Analysis

21) Outstanding SC Analysis

22) Outstanding DN Analysis

23) Outstanding QUO Analysis (For Purchase)

24) Outstanding SC Analysis (For Purchase)

25) Outstanding PO Analysis

26) Outstanding SI Analysis

27) Outstanding GRN Analysis

28) Sales Confirmation Billing Analysis

29) Purchase Order Billing Analysis

Sales Analysis

Reports analyzingthe existing invoices

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  • Format includes Quantity, Total Price, Total Cost, Gross Profit, etc. of sales of a product:

  • Product Category

  • Product only

  • Salesman and Product

  • Product and Customer

  • Product Sales Volume

  • Invoice No.

  • Customer only

  • Salesman and Customer

  • Customer and Product

  • Customer Sales Volume

  • Product Sub-Category

  • Primary, Secondary: Enter a specific category in Scope - Primary on the right hand side. If nothing is entered here, all categories will be searche

  • Date: Default as system date. Can be edited. Empty to searchall invoices by document date

  • Shipment: Default as blank. Enter by user. Empty to search all invoices by delivery date

  • Order By: Choose the appropriate criteria for ordering the report. E.g. Customer no., Gross Profit, Total Cost

  • Ascending/ Descending: Sort the order of report ascendingly or descendingly

  • Primary, Secondary and Order by differ in different formats

  • Click [Advanced] to enter Ad Hoc Report. Itemsfor Ad Hoc report are the same as Standard Report, but user can choose items displayed in the report. It can only be exported to Excel but not printed. Please refer to [Ad hoc Report]

  • Report Template: Enter Template No. up to 50 characters

  • Template Name: Enter up to 160 characters

  • Cost is retrieved from Invoice Date’s Avg. Cost

  • Report’s Preview screen is as followed:

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Sales Analysis (For Salesman Purpose)

For a Salesman to analyze his/her own sales

  • This report does not show the information of Unit Cost, Total Cost or Gross Profit

  • Other functionsare similar to Sales Analysis’s, please refer to [Sales Analysis]

Time Series Sales Analysis (Support Chart Presentation)

The Sales Analysis within a time periodpresented in different graphs

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  • There are 5 Types: Category, Sub-Category, Product, Salesman, Customer

  • Category: Enter a specific category. If nothing is entered, all the categories will be searched

  • Search: Search the information according to the category entered

  • Main Item (Max.10): The searched information will be shown automatically inthe Main Item

  • Code: Select the category codes for analysis

  • Select None: Cancel all the chosen codes after clicking this button. A maximum of 10 codes can be selected because of the limitation of report’s interface

  • Others (Grouping): All categories other than the 10 main items are grouped into here

  • Bar Chart: Export to Excel. Chart 1 is the bar chart and Sheet 1 shows a detailed data analysis

Chart 1

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Sheet 1

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  • Pie Chart: Export to Excel file. Chart 2 is the pie chart and Sheet 2 shows a detailed data analysis

Chart 2

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Sheet 2

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  • Line Chart: Export to Excel. Chart 3 is the line chart and Sheet 2 shows adetailed data analysis

Chart 3

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  • Data: Only export to Excel file. Sheet 2 shows the detailed data analysis

  • Period: Enter the period for exporting the report: Date, Week, Month, Quarter and Year

  • Date: If Date is chosen in Periodsection, a maximum of 100 days can be searched. Enter the beginning date in this section as DD/MM/YYYY

  • Week (DD/MM/YYYY),Month (MM/YYYY),Quarter (MM/YYYY),Year (YYYY): Enter a beginning date in Period to search, a maximum of 12 weeks can be searched

  • Sales Quantity: Report’s data analysis is based on the sales quantity

  • Sales Amount: Report’s data analysis is based on the sales amount

  • Excel: Data will be exported to Microsoft Excel file after clicking this icon

Other Documents Analysis Reports (Reports 4 to 16)

  • Please refer to [Sales Analysis] for instructions of generating reports 4 – 16

Consignment Invoice Analysis

Reports analyzing existing consignment invoice

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  • For Setup Steps, please refer to [Sales Analysis]

Supplier Consignment Invoice Analysis

Reports analyzing existing supplier consignment invoice

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  • For Setup Steps, please refer to [Sales Analysis]

Outstanding Documents Analysis Reports (Reports 19 to 27)

To record un-transferred items

Report 19 - Outstanding Invoice Analysis

Reports analyzingthe outstanding invoices which are not transferred to other documents

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  • Format: A total of 7 types:

  • Customer only

  • Product and Customer

  • Customer and Product

  • Product only

  • Product only

  • Salesman and Invoice No.

  • Outstanding Sales Volume

Customer and Product format will combine same customer information / product and show the rest quantity and amount

  • Primary, Secondary: Default as Customer Code and Product Code. Enter a specific customer code in Scope - Primary on the right hand side. Empty to search all customers

  • Other functionsare similar to Sales Ananlysis’s, please refer to [Sales Analysis]

  • Report’s Preview screen is as followed:

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  • All other instructions for Outstanding Analysis Reports (Report 20 to 27) are similar to Sales Analysis’s, please refer to the detailed instructions of [Sales Analysis] section

  • Remarks of the above reports:

    1. The Unit Cost for the above reports is the Average Cost in Product under Master File section

    2. When print preview, Profit % = Gross Profit ÷ Total Cost x 100%

    3. If Unit Cost is incorrect in an invoice, Edit it in System Utility > Update Document Cost

    4. The Total Amount in the above reports only reflects the deduction of the Individual Product’s Discount(%)and the Document’s Total Discount (%). It does not deduct the Fixed Discount in the document

Sales Confirmation Billing Analysis

Report analyzing the Sales Confirmationswith Deposit Invoices opened

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  • Cust. Code, SC No. / Date: Enter range of search. If not, allinformation will be searched

  • O/S Only: Choose to only show information of SC with Outstanding amount “>0” in reports

  • Completed Billing Only: Report showing information of those SC with Outstanding amount below or equal to “0”

  • Both: Report showing all the SC information

  • Format: 2 formats available:Summary/ Detail, sort with SC Date/ SC No.

  • This report supports the Preview, Print or Export Microsoft Excel file’s functions, the Report’ Preview screen is as followed:

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Purchase Order Billing Analysis

Report analyzing Purchase Orders with Supplier Deposit Invoices opened

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  • Its functions are similar to Sales Confirmation Billing Analysis’s. Please refer to [Sales Confirmation Billing Analysis]

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Ad Hoc Report

Custom-built report’s information by user. Can only be exported to Microsoft Excel’s file

1. Sales Analysis

2. Quotation Analysis

3. Sales Confirmation Analysis

4. Delivery Note Analysis

5. Purchase Analysis

6. Supplier Invoice Analysis

7. Goods Receive Note Analysis

8. Sales Return Note Analysis

9. Purchase Return Note Analysis

10. Sales Replacement Note Analysis

11. Purchase Return Note Analysis

12. Credit Note Analysis

13. Debit Note Analysis (Customer)

14. Debit Note Analysis (Supplier)

15. Outstanding Invoice Analysis

16. Outstanding QUO Analysis

17. Outstanding SC Analysis

18. Outstanding DN Analysis

19. Outstanding QUO Analysis (Purchase)

20. Outstanding SC Analysis (Purchase)

21. Outstanding PO Analysis

22. Outstanding SI Analysis

23. Outstanding GRN Analysis

Sales Analysis

Report analyzing the invoices which are already opened

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  • Report Template: Template code, maximum of 50 characters;

  • Report can show the following information:

  • Customer Code

  • Customer English Name (D)

  • Customer Chinese Name (D)

  • Customer Chinese Name (M)

  • Salesman Name (M)

  • Stock Location in Doc. Detail

  • Date

  • Product Code

  • Quantity (Qty)

  • Unit Price (Base Currency)

  • Total

  • Standard Cost

  • Unit Cost (Base Currency)

  • Unit Cost (Doc. Currency)

  • Total Cost

  • Gross Profit

  • Profit % (Cost)

  • Profit % (Price)

  • Reference No.

  • Category

  • Sub Category

  • Commission Rate

  • Currency

  • Exchange Rate

  • Shipment Date

  • Net Weight

  • Project

  • Department

  • Product Desc. 1-5 (D)

  • Contact

  • Remark 1-2 (D)

  • Lot. No.

  • Address ( C ), ( E ) 1-5

  • Tel

  • Fax

  • Delivery Contact in Document

  • Delivery Tel in Document

  • Origin

  • Delivery Address in Document

  • Area

  • Unit (D)

  • Nature

  • Sector

  • Barcode

  • Extra Description

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  • Items displayed in the report, default as blank

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  • Scope and Options of the report

  • Primary, Secondary: Choose group setting, enter range for it in Scope on the right side. If it is blank, all information from this group will be searched

  • Date: Default as system date which can be edited. If it is blank, all information will be searched

  • Shipment: Default as blank. Entered by user. If it is blank, all delivery dates will be searched

  • Order By: Choose a specific criterion for the order of the report

  • Ascending/ Descending: Sort the order of the report ascendingly or descendingly

  • Summary Only: Report will show the summary only after choosing this option. This function will not be effective if some of the items like unit Price or Quantity, etc. are chosen

Remark: Microsoft Excel is needed for exporting these reports. MAS-Account does not include Microsoft Excel’s software so users must install Microsoft Excel first in their computers

*Instructions for generating other Ad Hoc Reports (Reports 2 to 23) are similar to [Sales Analysis Ad Hoc Report’s]. Please refer to its detailed instructions

Document Batch Print

To print documents in batch in one go

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  • Document Type: Select the document type that needs to be printed

  • Format: Select the printing format (The choices of printing format are the same as printing them individually)

  • English, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified: Choose the displayed language in printed documents

  • Heading: Choosing this icon means to print documents with a heading

  • Print sub items in product set: Choosing this icon implies sub items in product set will not be displayed when printing out the documents

  • Customer Code: Enter manually or click the [Magnifier] to search for a customer code. Leave it blank to inquire all customer codes of a particular document type.

  • Date: Choose the range of time for inquiry. Leave it blank to search for all fields of time of a specific document type

  • Doc. No.: Enter manually or click the [Magnifier] to search for the document number. Leave it blank to search for all document numbers of a particular document type

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