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System Setting   >   Security Setting

Security Setting

Create, delete or edit Security Setting

Group Security Setting

Group Setting 1 eng.png
  • Group Code: Each group can input 1 – 20 characters

  • Group Name (E/C): Input the English & Chinese names for up to 60 characters

  • Options:

    • Select All – All functions will be chosen after clicking this option

    • Select None – The chosen functions will be unticked after choosing this option

    • Select All For – All the functions will be chosen after choosing the option in the box

  • Function Listing: Here list all system’s functions and their names

    • Click [Tick] the chosen functions in the listing to allow usage right of functions for a group

  • Features:

    • Access: View existing documents

    • Delete: Delete documents

    • Create: Create new documents

    • Print: Print Documents

    • Edit: Edit documents

    • View All: View all documents

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  • Notes on “View All” feature in Security Setting:

    • If a group has “View All” right, all its users will have the right to open that specific function

    • If a group does not have “View All” right, its user cannot view all documents, customers’ or suppliers’ information, and can only access the documents which belong to oneself and the related customer and supplier information

    • The system will use the user’s Salesman Code to check if the user can access those documents

    • If the user without “View All” right but the user’s Salesman code belongs to the list of Sales 1 or Sales 2 in Master File, the user can access the documents accordingly

    • If the Salesman Code of Sales 1 or Sales 2 in the Master File does not belong to the user, the user cannot access any document or open the Master File

    • If there is no record of salesman information in documents or in the Master File of Sales 1 and Sales 2 sections, all information from this document and Master file can be accessed by all users

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  • Create a salesman code and select the related user ID in: [Master File > Salesman]

    • When the salesman uses his ID (TEST001) to login without “View All” feature for “Customer”, he can only access his customer’s information or customers’ information without assigned salesman. Otherwise, a “No View All User Right” screen will be shown

User Setting

User Setting 1 eng.png
  • Login ID: For logging into the system. Each login ID can input 1 -10 characters

  • Name (E/C): Input the user names in Chinese or English

  • Password: Input user’s login password for entering the system

    • Each Password can input 1 – 10 characters

    • If user needs to change an existing password, click “Change” to do so

  • Belongs to:

    • Deciding which “Group” a user “Belongs to” from the “Available groups”. Click [Left Side] button after selecting to transfer a group code and name from the “Available groups” to the “Belongs to”

    • If a user needs to delete a certain group under “Belongs to”, just click [Right Side] button after selecting a group. The group will then be transferred back to “Available groups”

    • User rights depends on the group rights the user belongs to

    • The same user can belong to one or more groups. Therefore, this user will have the right to use the functions available inthese groups

    • If forget password, the user who has the highest authority can delete the account and create a new one

  • Available groups: All the groups’ codes and names in the system will be shown here

Set Confidential Accounts

Set Confidential Accounts 1 eng.png
  • Select Accounts to set as confidential and click save

  • Set system’s usage rights of different groups in Group Setting and tick the box of Access Confidential Accounts

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