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Master File   >   Salesman


Create, delete, edit or search salesman’s information

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  • Salesman Code: Set salesman’s code up to 10 characters

  • Save As: Copy the chosen salesman’s information into a new salesman code

  • Click [Magnifier] to search Salesman

    1. Existing salesman’s information can be searched by Salesman Name or Salesman Code

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  • Salesman Name: Up to 60 characters

  • Position: Up to 50 characters

  • Tel., Mobile, Pager, Fax: Up to 25 characters

  • E-mail: Up to 60 characters

  • Address 1-5: Up to 50 characters per row

  • Commission rate 1-3: For reference only, the rate will not be retrieved when opening documents (i.e. Invoice)

  • Related User ID: Information retrieved from User Setting in Security Setting section (Please refer to the Security Setting). If the group setting does not check [View All], the sales representative can only view the customer files that they are responsible for

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